Highland Venture Capital

Investing throughout Scotland in emerging business

Seeking Investment

Highland Venture Capital is a business angel syndicate based in the Highlands but actively investing throughout Scotland.

Our investment criteria are simple:

•    We invest in all sectors except property, traditional retail and computer games
•    Scottish Based Company
•    Startup/Early Stage
•    Investment required of £75,000 – £500,000

We are happy to invest on our own or co-invest with others.

What type of Investments are we looking for?

The members of Highland Venture Capital see their investment into a company as enabling a transformational change in that company.  It might be changing the size or location of a market or simply starting a new company to provide an innovative service or product.

We prefer companies that have some form of IP or product protection.  Although we will consider most opportunities, we are particularly interested in the following sectors:-

•    Technology
•    Renewables
•    other “green” opportunities.

On the other hand we have 3 sectors that we will not invest into:-

•    Property
•    Traditional Retail
•    Computer Games

Our Process

If you feel that we would be interested in your company, first send us a short executive summary to glenn@highvc.co.uk. If you are in doubt as to what to put into such a summary then please complete our Investment Proposal doc.

We will review the proposal and give you feedback of it’s suitability.

At our next meeting the syndicate will discuss your opportunity and if we are interested to know more, you will be offered the opportunity to present your business plan at the subsequent bi-monthly meeting.

A successful presentation will allow us to move to an investment offer and we will then circulate this to our members and complete the investment.

A more detailed explanation of the process is given in Companies Info.